Sans sheep

So there we all were, minding our own business, a bunch of knitters sitting around in a conference room in some random office park building, and this guy walks in with a camera and starts taking our picture.

Okay, so it wasn’t quite so random (and those of you who read The Panopticon will recognize the man behind the camera). When Franklin mentioned on his blog that he was going to be in Sacramento for his 1000 Knitters project, I made a note on my calendar, so this afternoon I drove off to Gold River and joined a host of other knitters from all over the area to be photographed by the only knitter on the internet lucky enough to live with a certain rather feisty Romney sheep.

I filled out my little release form and found myself a seat in the conference room where all the other knitters were waiting for their own turn at the never-ending scarf (everyone in the picture is knitting on exactly the same scarf, a row or three per person), and as I sat there I struck up a conversation with the woman sitting in front of me, and it turns out we have some friends in common. So we chatted and exchanged Ravelry names (because everything in knitting these days always comes back to Ravelry!), and other knitters slowly filtered in or out, until another woman paused in front of me, and said “Are you…Jenipurr?” And it turns out it was someone I used to know years ago, back when I was heavily involved in some online text-based games (hey, I have never once claimed I wasn’t a nerd), back before I ever learned how to knit. And then it all got even weirder because it turns out the first woman I was chatting with had some friends-in-common with the blast-from-the-past woman, and we all talked about knitting and yarn stores and renaissance faires and the differences between MUDD’s and MUSH’s, and of course Ravelry (see what I mean?) until suddenly it was my turn to go in.

All in all it was a wonderful way to spend a few hours, meeting new people, getting to reconnect with old friends, getting to add my own 3 rows to the 1000 Knitters scarf, and of course, meeting Franklin and getting to be part of his very cool photography project.

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4 Responses to Sans sheep

  1. Lauren says:

    it was so fun meeting you yesterday! love the photos! i’m going to link to you on my blog. 🙂

  2. Pingback: 1000 Knitters, Part Deux « A Fashion Prof’s Personal Blog

  3. Lauren says:

    OK, the link is up…and I just re-read your post. 3 rows? you’re fast! i did 2 and thought that was pretty speedy. 😉

  4. Beth C says:

    Thank you for coming to the shoot! I am so glad the guild has a large enough treasury to make this kind of event possible for the local knitting community. I hope to see you at another guild event! 🙂

    (I am also on Ravelry, but haven’t built out my site yet. The work thing, you know.)

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