Quick, quick

Quick updates (sans pictures, which will come later, I promise).

Seabreeze: Back and front are done – which means I ripped out that section of the front and redid it as well. Camping out in front of the television watching the Olympics is a great way to get oodles of knitting done! Tomorrow night I will graft the shoulders and whip on the neck and then I get to play a marvelous game of ‘do we or don’t we’ and cross all my fingers that I actually have enough yarn to do long sleeves because after everything I went through to get the *last* skein of this stuff, it *still* may not be enough. Gah.

Needles: Denise needles rock. I like the feel of them; I like that I can leave the knitting on the cord and just switch out the heads; I like that they come in a nifty little box and I no longer have to go rummaging in the drawer with all the miscellaneous knitting paraphenilia to find the right size circulars. Um. Guess what I got on eBay recently?

Stitch counters: How on earth did I ever do any knitting without one? My knitting-enabling friend let me borrow one for that pesky front section on Seabreeze and I am in love. I sense a trip to a local yarn store, very soon, to acquire some stitch counters of my own.

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