Up from the gloom

Things have been quiet on this site mainly because, aside from a second pair of plain stockinette self-patterning socks for Richard, I haven’t been able to muster up much energy for knitting. I’ve felt for the past few months that as long as we were still in house-selling limbo, everything else in my head was on hold as well. I’ve added far too many things to my Ravelry queue, but I just didn’t have it in me to actually cast any of them on.

The good news, however, is that the house is finally sold – escrow closed this past Thursday and we are now the extremely relieved owners of only one house instead of two. And all of a sudden I have my knitting mojo back. Phew!

Even if there hasn’t been much in the way of knitting going on lately (except boring socks and ripping-out of design work), I did end up buying yarn. I successfully avoided going to the closing sale of the yarn store in West Sacramento, and when my knitting mom and I went to the TKGA show, I did not buy a thing, but when the owner of the yarn store in Davis announced she was closing, well, there is only so much stash avoidance a knitter can endure. So I snagged several balls of solid color sock yarn, and some Cotton Fine for a few lace scarves, and some tencel blend yarn that might or might not decide to be a top for me one of these years, and some gorgeous pale pumpkin yarn that is going to be…well I’m not entirely sure what it will be; all I knew is that it needed to come home with me because it was too pretty to leave behind.

I’ve also found a local knitting group which, I think, has been a big help in me getting my knitting vibe back. I don’t mind lolling about at home with a ball of yarn and some pointy sticks and a cat or four to ‘help’ me, but there is definitely something to be said about going out to cute coffeehouses and knitting with other people for helping me find that spark again.

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1 Response to Up from the gloom

  1. ruth says:

    ooh! your house sold – congrats!! esp if it helped get your knitting mojo back on. =)
    wasn’t at SnB the past couple weeks because i was out-of-town, hope to make it back in next week. see you then? take care! ~ruth

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